Friday 28 July 2017

When The Rain Come - Lullaby of sadness

When the rain came
It was on the afternoon
The bright sun and cloudy sky was hiding behind the gloomy sky
And the tear drop from the heaven were falling down to the earth

I was stopping
And waiting
Until the tear drop gone away
Just like my teary eyes and my broken heart
That currently singing a lullaby
A lullaby of sadness

It was the truth in the life that we can't be together
It's not because of the life
But because we aren't match
Just like a cloud are clashing to another cloud
And making a gloomy cloud
That bring tears to the earth

A lullaby of sadness always playing on my mind in every rain
The memory of you
The memory of us
Moving like a movie in my mind
Moving my bleeding heart and become more ache

Please let me move on
To the bright sun in the summer
That always shining bright on the sky

Let the cloud bring my sadness along to its journey
And never bring me back that again

Let the lullaby of sadness get away from my mind
So my soul can be heal
And I can start to feel love and loving other people
Other than you

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